October Newsletter 2024-Election Edition

Ottawa County Republicans' Newsletter

October 15, 2024  3:2

Editor's Preamble:

'Only 21 more days until Election Day!

We have a lot of voting information for you this month as well as Party news.

We have real ISSUES here in Ottawa County, and while there is NO question that Republicans are united behind President Trump, there is a lot of grey muddiness in the local contested races. Nonetheless, we encourage you to do the research that is required to vet these candidates. We don't just have Democrats running against Republicans. There are also two write-in campaigns as well running for County Commissioner in Districts 1 and 9.  Further, there is an Independent running for Commissioner in District 4.

*Invest your vote with value. Do your research and make an educated decision. Turn around the flowing river of information that is coming to you by taking control of the information you choose to consume.

Thank you for your time in reading through our Newsletter, Republicans! We will begin with County Election/Voting Information and then move straight into the Party news.


County Election Information

For Information Regarding Elections, Voting, Ballots and/or Early Voting, see right HERE...

*If you intend to vote absentee, there is still time to order your ballot. Otherwise, please consider voting early. Early voting begins on October 26--Nov 3. *AFTER NOVEMBER 3rd,  you will no longer be able to vote early.


The OCRP Chair Shares Recommendations for the Non-Partisan Races of School Boards and judges...

In a Unanimous Vote, the OCRP Passes Election Integrity Resolution... 

There a lot to this one, so please click the picture to see it larger!

The OCRP Removes Jacob Bonnema from the Executive Committee...

The OCRP Is Maintaining Two Official Campaign Offices for the General Election Season...

If you need Candidate signs, Trump signs or anything else related to the general election, please stop into one of our satellite offices! We recently sent an email to all candidates inviting them to bring their signs to the office. If you know a candidate please encourage them to do so!


Grand Haven

*Come into our Grand Haven Location and get your picture taken with President Trump! 

The OCRP Delegation Voted Nearly Unanimously at County Convention on August 15, to endorse Rob Thurkettle for Commissioner of District 4...

 The Delegation of the OCRP is an entity, whose almost unanimous decision, trumps any idea the Executive Committee or any singular unit in our organization could ever make, because it is the vote of We, the People. There were 268 credentialed Delegates at our Convention on August 15, 2024. *During convention, the Executive Committee does not exist. *The Party belongs to the Delegates, who are the People.

The OCRP Holds Several Trump Force 47 Events...

Trump Force 47 is teaching the citizenry how to target low-propensity voters and how to make this election "too big to rig." We held four Trump Force events, one in Grand Haven and three in Holland. Also we had two Action Seminars where Trump Captains came back for additional help and teaching.

To see coverage from all 6 events, please click HERE


See Coverage of our first T-Force Event on Facebook HERE

See it on X/Twitter HERE

Volunteer Highlight

Precinct Delegate and Candidate for District 3 County Commissioner, Orlando Estrada

Orlando Estrada

What do you love most about Ottawa county?

It's not only beautiful, but we also have the Lakeshore beaches and excellent parks. I also appreciate that Ottawa has a lot of services available to the Public. As someone who has  traveled the nation for nine years, I see a difference in how Ottawa County is managed and appreciate this in comparison to other Counties across America.

Tell us a little bit about where you grew up in Ottawa?

I was born and raised in the city of Holland. I graduated from Holland High School. I live in Holland Historical District/Tulip Lane where all the tulips are on the boulevard and enjoyed participating in the Tulip Time Parade when I attended Washington Elementary School. I’ve also participated in non-profits in Holland Public Schools and business. Holland is my home.

What are some of the tasks and volunteer opportunities you take advantage of in serving the Ottawa County Republican Party? 

I hand out literature for Republican causes and door-knock for candidates. I make it a point to talk to everyone in the community about valuable conservative-leaning issues. I make suggestions of how to improve the Party online and offline. I’m passionate about the Life issue and spend as much time as I can helping educate citizens about this important issue. I’ve also done extensive work through the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America which is an organization that goes door-to-door to educate people on the dangers of abortion to women while advocating for the choice of Life.

Why are you running for Commissioner of District 3? 

I am running for Commissioner of District 3 because I care about people and I believe there are other underserved communities in D3. This isn’t my first time running and there are still some issues that I feel have gone unaddressed that need to be embraced by the current board. 

There are two issues in particular:

1. Public Safety Transparency/Body Cameras: To prevent both the officer and civilian of being falsely accused and preventing unnecessary costs for both sides in our judicial system and to ensure they are properly installed. And also, although our Safety Department in OC has purchased these cameras, they will not be in the Department until well-after the beginning of 2025. I want to be part of voting for the important policy for how long data from these cameras will be stored, or where it is going to be stored. I believe my presence on the Board will lend itself strongly to this issue and accountability on this issue. 

2. Pro-creation—incentivizing people to live and work here in Ottawa County and primarily to encourage young mothers to keep their babies and to stay and live in Ottawa County. This could work through a voucher system for formula and diapers as well as programs that allow women to feel there is a community of support around them—We can encourage women to keep their babies if we build in a community of support. Republicans can be “pro-life” all they want, yet change doesn’t happen without actions to support women with unexpected pregnancies.

To see this column online, click HERE

Local Culture/National Culture

The Realignment of America...

This is an excellent piece by Sylvia Rhodea, current Commissioner and candidate for County Commissioner of District 8.

School Culture

Title XI: Parents Still Have Time...


Parents need to pay attention to the issues of Title-IX and vote for school board candidates in the upcoming election who you know will vote against the adoption of these policies. Jenison and Grand Haven have already adopted the new provisions, yet Simply American explains what’s going on and what You, as a citizen voter, can still do about it.

State of Michigan Election Analysis 

Swing State Poll 2024: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Blue Wall Shows Cracks As Race Tightens, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Michigan Moves To Toss-Up, Dems Lead In PA & WI

Quinnipiac isn't known for being a "conservative" poster, so for the moment, we find this encouraging! *However, the only way to make this polling "true" is by going to  VOTE!

 National Culture/Local Opinion 

DEI: National Culture Vs. Local Opinion and What They Have in Common with Elections in Ottawa...

What does a corporate national trend have to do with Ottawa County and its elections? We are taking a hard look at the national cancelling of DEI programs throughout corporate America and comparing it to the impending pettiness of local politics. Last year, when Bud Light wrecked its long-trusted brand with a single marketing decision, a lot of national companies began asking themselves these same hard questions. 


Dr. Marty Makary: Why America Has the World's Sickest, Most Over-Medicated Population Ever...


Upcoming Events


Also Upcoming...

November 9, 2024--A Banquet to Honor Veterans

The OCRP is sponsoring a table at what has become a special, annual event honoring Ottawa County's Veterans. This dinner is FREE for Veterans plus one of their guests. One excellent way to honor Veterans  is to sponsor a table for eight Veterans to come enjoy themselves and be honored. It is also an excellent way to advertise your business.

If you are Veteran and wish to attend, click HERE

For more information on the details for the event or for sponsoring a table for this event, please call 616-914-3904.


The OCRP Publishes Special Edition Trump Sign...

 Come in to one of our offices to get our exclusive Trump Signs. Come  get one before they're gone! Click on the link above⬆️ to see where you can get one of these beauties!

--Also, stickers are 1 for $3 or 2 for $5 on our Shop Page.  These look great on your stuff! Shipping is included:-)

Die Cut, Waterproof and UVA protected Sticker! Visit our Shop page to get yours now! Measures 4 x 3.48

Our Holland Office was part of the Holland Fall Festival on Saturday, October 5. We had a great time and some charming decorations!

Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter! We are in the midst of a tremendous campaign season leading up to November 5th, 2024! We appreciate anything you can do to help your local Party succeed in supporting Donald J. Trump for President and getting our local candidates over the general-election line.


 Please help us preserve liberty in Ottawa County by making a donation of any size here. Thank you!

