Ottawa County Republicans' Newsletter
January 16, 2025 6:2
Editor's Preamble:
Hello Ottawa County Republicans! Happy New Year!
We only have a few more days to wait until our are new President is sworn in and while we still have a lot of issues to deal with locally here in Ottawa, it does bring hope to have someone at the helm of our country who we know loves America and the state of Michigan.
Since our last Newsletter, we took some time off to be with our families over the holidays, so we don't have a lot of new Party news, except to catch you up on how the Ottawa County Republican Party helped save the State in the Lame-Duck session of Congress prior to Christmas.
We also have news on the new Board of Commissioners, as well as important health news we think you will be interested in. We also have GREAT news on Title IX. Our more regular columns that highlight volunteers and spotlight local businesses will be back next month.
For now, enjoy these columns and most of all, enjoy January 20th, 2025!
The OCRP Held a Formation Meeting on Dec. 5, 2024 to Elect Officers to Serve Two-Year Term...
The OCRP Followed Their Formation Meeting With a Holiday Gathering. Delegates Braved Freezing Temperatures, Traveling to Grand Haven to Attend the Formation Meeting and Enjoy Community With One Another...
ICYMI: The OCRP held County Convention, on November 21, 2024 to elect New Executive Committee...
The OCRP Warned Michigan Residents of Upcoming Dangerous Lame-Duck Session in Lansing and What Could Be Done to Stop It...
*Perhaps you've heard about the egregious bills the Democrats tried to pass out of Lansing with a two-vote majority? The Democratic Majority brought over TWO HUNDRED bills for the eight days of session between the first week of December through December 20th. We worked overtime to alert the Public to the situation. Fortunately, due to the readiness of citizens willing to be informed in spite of the busy holiday season, phone calls and emails made a big difference!
*The tactic of using your first amendment to express your concerns resulted in an emboldened Republican contingency in the House and Senate, that IN SPITE of still being in the minority, used every procedural tactic to their advantage, and with the help of one Democrat, were able to stop most of the worst of the proposed 200 bills.
*Let's learn from this!! The way to get your Representatives to act with courage is to let them know where you stand as a citizenry. We must continue to be active!
MIRS has a good summary of what ended up happening in the final days of the lame-duck; it was, at the very least, dramatic, and at the most, concerning.
How One Final Straw Broke the House's Back...
Also, this is an excellent Opinion Editorial on the subject here, where the editorialist calls this "The Californication of Michigan. "
Edited to add: *After the wildfires that have destroyed Los Angeles over the past two weeks, this article seems almost prophetic based on the date it was published. *We have little doubt that Governor Whitmer's goal was to potentially send Michigan the way of California. ****Thankfully, on November 5th, the people of Michigan said, "NO," to the trifecta of liberal government here in Michigan.
In Anticipation of the Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump as our 47th President, the OCRP Again Expresses Gratitude for Ottawa County's Voters...
The OCRP led Republican Counties throughout the State with Informative Graphics that were Shared Statewide to Save Michigan in the Lame Duck...
Area News
If you would like to see if you are being fairly represented by newly elected Commissioners on the Ottawa County BOC, click the link and scroll past the first 35 minutes of public comment to watch how the new Board interacts with one another. *It is interesting. ***Remember, that all of these Commissioners promised through the Primary process that they ARE Republicans (except for Doug Zylstra who is an open Democrat.) --We recommend watching at least one hour of the meeting to see whether or not a citizen of Ottawa County and as a Republican yourself, all of these Commissioners come across as ethical, conservative and transparent.
The First Board of Commissioners Meeting for 2025 lasted 9 1/2 hours...
Joe Moss and Sylvia Rhodea Discuss the Second County Board Meeting of 2025, Sharing This Helpful Summary... (*13 minute listen)
Local Culture
In the era of post DEI, the religion's followers are the last to know that Corporate America has turned away from it. In their last gasps to keep it alive beyond probability, Restoring Ottawa has an excellent piece on why they don't see the writing on the wall.
Religion of Wokeism: I am diversity-please include me...
The Ottawa County Taxpayers have decided they are done funding DEI locally. We trust our elected officials will represent the People and accept this.
National Culture and Health
Victory for Women and Girls: A Federal District Court Rejects the Biden Administration's Redefinition of Sex in Title IX...
Latest "Bird Flu" Psyop...[-Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me]...
Congressional Committee Condemns (Nearly) Every Feature of the Covid Response...
This is an interesting piece! *When you scroll to the bottom, it shows a version of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic's Report in a Flipbook format.
However, if you are not interested in reading all 557 pages of the above Congressional Committee Report on the CDC and NIH's Covid response, here is the gist of it. The Committee has found the following highlighted policies as abject failures.
Ahhhhh. Yes of course, but then we KNEW THAT these policies were a disaster all the way back in March of 2020. We aren't normally sarcastic here at the Newsletter yet on this occasion we'd like to say that this is a great big, "We told you so." *We are absolutely grateful for the Congressional Committee's work, yet are not surprised by the results.
Not So Old News
Given that President Trump is about to be inaugurated as Americas's 47th President and also given that Michigan went RED as one of seven swing states that Trump won in a historic landslide, we find this news of our efforts here in Ottawa not so old! (...if we do say so ourselves😊)
The OCRP in Top 5 Most Active Counties Nationally for Trump in September of '24; *The OCRP was in the Top Two Most Active in State...
Trump's campaign strategy combined with the grassroots force of our local Party helped win him Michigan!
National Culture/Education
In looking ahead to the new year, here is something for Parents to share with their kids!
Parents, Are you familiar with PragerU? Many years ago, PragerU felt they could do something for Millennials and Generation Z by meeting them right where they are, on social media platforms through short educational videos. PragerU is an educational movement that feels strongly about the lack of History and Civics being taught in our schools and moved to create an education platform that fills in the gaps.
And wow, has PragerU ever become a movement! In 2024 alone, PragerU videos have been viewed by almost 60 million people. On YouTube, more than 60% of their video views are from young Americans under 35. And these videos are not just being watched; they’re changing minds. In fact, in their recent survey, 70% of viewers reported changing their stance on an important issue after watching.
Here is a sample of one of our recent favorites of PragerU videos
We encourage you to sign up to have free education delivered to your inbox and if you approve, encourage your kids to sign up as well!
Sign up HERE
Kids Kolumn
Here's a new Coloring Page for younger kids for snow days or whenever they need a new activity!
For a printable PDF, click HERE
Upcoming Events
It is convention season and so while our Delegates will be busy in the New Year with County and State Conventions, it will be a little while before we have Public events. But please stay tuned to our calendar as we will post Public events there as we have them.
Also, please follow us on social media where you can be apprised of events when we post them Live in the new year.
Elephant Fare
Janet VanRhee's Indian Carrot Salad
Indian Carrot Salad
Salad Ingredients
4-5 C. shredded and/or matchstick carrots
1/2 C. golden raisins
4 green onions, chopped
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1/2 C. cashews
Dressing Ingredients
Zest and juice of 2 limes
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tsp. minced (or jarred) ginger
2 Tbsps honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cayenne
1/4 C. olive oil
Whisk all dressing ingredients together. Pour over salad mixture and toss. This salad is excellent stuffed in pitas or a side to grilled chicken.
Janet's Notes: My Aunt has written two cookbooks. Her name is Joyce Klynstra and she was born in Ottawa County. I'm happy to share this yummy recipe from one of her books. I just made it again recently!
--Also, stickers are 1 for $3 or 2 for $5 on our Shop Page. These look great on your stuff! Shipping is included:-)
Die Cut, Waterproof and UVA protected Sticker! Visit our Shop page to get yours now! Measures 4 x 3.48
Beautiful Ottawa County, January 2025
Please help us preserve liberty in Ottawa County by making a donation of any size here. Thank you!
Paid for with regulated funds by the Ottawa County Republican Committee-P.O. Box 514, Hudsonville, MI 49436