The OCRP procured excellent sources in the Michigan House of Representatives and were able to, therefore, stay on top of the quickly changing events of the 2024 Lame-Duck session of Congress in the State. Events happened quickly and due to our sources, we were able to create effective graphics here in Ottawa and update them as needed to keep the public informed. *These graphics were shared on social media all over the State, including by Republicans of Bay County which is over by Saginaw Bay, Mid-Michigan sites, and even the Tuscola County Republican Party which is over in the thumb region of the state. We linked these graphics to further factual content that explained the Bills in detail and what Michiganders were up against given the Republican minority in both Houses at the time.
*This was challenging, given the recently-finished general election effort, as well as the Christmas holiday that approached. However, we went out of our way because Michigan was in danger of passing Bills that ranged in nature from the legalization of prostitution, gun grabs, abolishing participation in then Electoral College and government overreach to violate the rights of homeschool parents and children. *We are glad we made the time and that the Public responded by swamping the State House switchboard and emailing their representatives. And while we were disappointed that the then, Democrat Speaker of the House didn't bring the important bills to save the Tip-Credit or Paid Sick Leave, we are grateful we were able to help stop some of the intended evil. We are sharing these here in order to inform other County Parties of what we did that turned out to be quite effective. Between graphic creation, social media, direct sources in the legislature and following these up with substantive supplemental support and communicating with the general public through email, we discovered a system of information sharing that produced results.
To see supplemental material that support these graphics, click HERE