GVSU Brave Booth
Something special happened in Ottawa County during the election at GVSU. *Sylvia Rhodea initiated the setting up a table called "Brave," emphasizing the Future Belongs to the Brave. Over the course of the 6 weeks prior to the election, the booth met hundreds of Grand Valley college students. The students were so enthusiastic to welcome the Brave booth on campus. They LOVED the merch supplied by the Trump Force, including dorm-window signs, stickers and pamphlets as well as information about Sylvia Rhodea's campaign for Commissioner.
*One fact that cannot be doctored or denied by the Press [although we suspect they may try] is that Sylvia Rhodea is, in fact, impassioned by and for our communities' youth. When Rhodea says she wants to "protect kids," she clearly means it. Interacting with a contingency of college students who carry Ottawa and America's bright future, she did this daily throughout the campaign when as a candidate, she could have spent her time and resources investing in other endeavors.
Rhodea had a great staff of volunteers who worked the Brave booth at GVSU along with her. The testimonials and videos of happy, hopeful college students is indeed inspiring.
For those who have Facebook: Here are some links to various post reels where you can't help but see the gratitude and joy of the college students who came to the Brave Booth. Take the time to experience the interactions with these young, conservative voters in the links below. They are so smart and informed! *It will warm your heart and renew your faith in the future of America and Ottawa County!
1. https://fb.watch/vRNxCx6jLC/
2. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1506128756709442
3. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1289915175502254
4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1273398180757982
5. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1681496256005301
The Future Belongs to the Brave